Frequently Asked questions

How can we help?

Our wait time varies depending on variables. Please contact us for a site inspection for an up to date timeline of our build schedule.

After handover, you have a 12 month warranty on structural and fittings. These details will be provided to you with your proposal. Contact us if you would like to discuss warranty details further.

As each build varies in price, we will advise of the deposit required in your proposal after the site visit. Progress payments are required and unless arranged prior, full amount is payable upon handover. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Yes, we can do single room renos but on your site inspection we will always give you honest advice on the most timely and cost effective options for your build.

Although you can use your own tradesmen, we always give recommendations on the best people for the job. We only work with the best and will wait till they have availability to complete our builds.

Sunshine Coast Builders | Osborne Family Builders

New Builds | Renovations | extensions

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